The Dressing Table at the Rosarita Hotel - Self-Portrait with Galina I 1972


The Dressing Table at the Rosarita Hotel - Self-Portrait with Galina I

Catalogue raisonné no. 297

Artist's CR 284



Oil on canvas

78 x 100 inches / 0 cm

Selected Citations and Comments

Not far South of Tiajuana, it is called the Rosarita Hotel; its large and fading, decorated in the Spanish style of the 1930’s, at which time it must have been a popular resort for the denizens of Hollywood.

Galina posed in silhouette in the window for some magnificent photographs which gave promise of her later huge contribution to the poetry of the Galina series sculptures.  We walked on the beach, and I proposed to her, and she accepted.  I photographed us in bed together, sitting up reflected in the great round mirror of the dressing table, and surrounded by the bric-a-brac and artefacts of the 1930s and 1950s which constitute a sort of still life in the enormous painting of the event which I made a few months later.